In an effort to ‘go green’, we have a ‘virtual goodie bag’ that provides additional benefits to our participants. As a participant in this year’s event, you will receive an email that gives you access to the bag. In the bag you will find an array of valuable information including exclusive offers, coupons, giveaways, and messages from our sponsors. So watch for the virtual race bag and get your green on!
Prizes and Ceremony
Special prizes will be given to the top 3 overall and first place Masters and Super Masters in each race according to gun time from local artists. Awards medals will be presented to the first 5 finishers in each age group according to chip time. First place finishers in each race will receive a Garmin GPS donated by Selby’s. Children in strollers, women in aided wheelchairs, and male participants are not eligible for awards.
Pictures will be taken of the award winners on the awards stand as the awards are announced. Talk with the photographer about getting copies of the pictures.
Grand Prize drawings will be done at the Awards Ceremony. We will be giving away 6 $100 bills (must be present to win).
Trophies and certificates will be awarded to the Team Up groups.
The ceremony takes place under Skypoint (Broadway and 2nd Ave. N.) at about 9:30am.
Awards ceremony and post-race party sponsored by: